South Coast South Africa Accommodation

July 21, 2021

Link to the original post on the Paradox forums if you rather tell me I'm stupid there. This post is because Groogy said he, himself was disappointed in the place natives were currently in a podcast. So I don't think anyone will really dispute the idea that the new world is currently the most underwhelming area to play in. Having received the first expansion for the game in "Conquest of Paradise, " and receiving a second expansion for the region in "El Dorado, " The area simply hasn't gotten the same level of polish that comes with modern development for paradox. That's not to say the area hasn't received any love. In the last update we got a bunch of new nations, especially in the mexico region, and El Dorado has certainly given the Aztec, Mayan, and Inca natives some fun gameplay (if a bit linear). What I wish to talk about and suggest are mechanics for the tribes in north and south america, such as the Iroquois, Blackfoot, Carib, and all the other minor nations that doesn't really get the weight they had in the region.

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I've done a very similar route (except the return was from Etosha to Chobe). I'm so happy you're doing this again. Some thoughts (I'm sure you already know this, but just in case any of it is helpful): Etosha is my favorite park in southern the intro to Lion King in terms of abundance of animals. If there's a drought, the water holes fill with hundreds/thousands of animals of so many different species... it's really the most amazing display of living nature I've ever seen in my entire life. So, make sure you spend a good amount of time here. The skeleton coast nearly cost us our lives (as it's prone to do). Seven flat tires in one day. Do not fuck around. Have plenty of tire patch kits ready to go AND spare tires AND a 12V air pump. Fisherman's Friend will partially save you from the stench of the seal colony. Your clothes might not recover, but at least you'll be able to stand up close without gagging. Swakopmund has no normal seasons. It could be sweltering hot inland and yet still freezing cold and blustery on the coast.

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- Egypt should be a kingdom, not a sultanate, as the Wafd nationalists probably did succeed as in OTL in gaining limited independence from Britain in the 1920's (prior to the collapse of the empire). After independence, when they reassert control in Sudan, they should become the Kingdom of Egypt and Sudan, as the title "king of Sudan" was already claimed by the Egyptian monarchs. - As a final note, if Spain fell to syndicalism prior to 1936 (which seems within possibility, as there was a large syndicalist movement even RTL), their colonies would be seized by Morocco, West Africa, and Mittelafrika. Perhaps Franco's Army of Africa stays in Morocco, which could allow Germany to support their return to Iberia and reconquest like RTL. Thank you all and please tell me your thoughts!

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Totemist over time build up points which can be spent for temporary buffs. Unlike say Reformed which might come to mind. Totemist are not toggled, once you push the button they stay on for the small duration. These buffs are also stronger the more stable you are. Sun Dance - Manpower recovery speed +5/+10/+15% Grass Dance - Development Cost reduction +5/+10/+20% *These are just Hypothetical, made for example not balance Gameplay So though fun the first time you use it, the migration mechanic isn't really that useful when you think on it. Ideal you move to better places to strengthen your nation, but in actuality, you just move to whichever trade spot you want to settle your capital on, then grow from there. The interesting gameplay decision was made from the start of the game, not as you're playing. My suggestion is to instead have the migration feature, instead of moving your province from one to the other, it instead expands your nation. Effectively a Siberian Frontier, except the territory doesn't need to be colonized, a tribe simply expands into the area.

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